Over the past 19 years, WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging tool into a powerful enterprise-grade CMS. But how do we ensure that WordPress continues to prosper? To find out, we sat down with Matt Mullenweg, Co-Creator of the WordPress project and CEO of Automattic to chat about Five for the Future: His vision for sustainable WordPress contributions that […]
XWP Tonight Show with Amit Sion
Episodic series of audio/video content

For more than 20 years, Kelsey Media has been publishing some of the most inspiring and engaging content for their readers around the world. With a portfolio of over 80 fantastic brands, including huge names like stuff.tv and psychologies, Kelsey Media’s magazines and sites have a tremendous reach and a wide and varied audience— with […]
The tools and guidance creators have access to make an impact on the entire internet. That’s why we’re so excited to have once again partnered with Google, this time to bring Material Design to WordPress with a plugin and theme that brings Google’s open-source design language to WordPress sites. To learn a bit more about […]
When it comes to publishing, tracking analyzing and optimizing the content you produce is all part of the game. No one’s to invest hours creating and then for their article to slowly fade, but figuring out how to keep the fire burning, well that can be a challenge with many of the analytic tools in […]
With a global audience of more than 350 million readers, Galvanized Media has a portfolio of some of the world’s most trusted health and fitness brands; including names such as Eat This Not That, Best Life, Celebwell, ETNT Health, Mind+Body, Travelicious and more! Today we welcome Eric Zinczenko, President and COO at galvanized, to talk […]
Australian FinTech company OFX is one of the leading names in exchange technology. In this episode, their Head of Marketing Sebastian Pertosi joins our host Amit Sion to discuss the importance of simplicity, moving from Sitecore to WordPress, and working with our hosting partner, Pantheon. Learn More About Our Work With OFX: Transcript: AmitExchanging money […]
In this episode, Amit hosts Kurt Heinemann, Head of Marketing at Big Health, a digital therapeutics provider offering non-drug alternatives to mental health care. Learn more about how Big Health is modernizing the therapeutics industry and the importance of design in an evolving brand. Transcript: Mental health. It is as important as our physical health. […]
In this episode, Amit hosts Daniel Walmsley: Technical Lead at Automattic and one of the key forces behind Jetpack, to talk about how he became involved in Tumblr, collaborating with XWP, and his current focus. Learn more about what Automattic learned from the pandemic, finding your audience with Tumblr and bringing performance to the people […]