A powerful example of headless WordPress

Improving editorial workflows across a multi-channel network.

Website and Mobile Mockup of Beachbody on Demand's User Interface.

Smooth editorial workflows and logical content curation is the holy grail of any digital media brand.

We partnered with Beachbody to streamline the editing experience and optimize the supporting infrastructure. Processes and technologies are now aligned with the current business needs, as well as structured to support the business vision into the future.

Services provided

  • Strategy & Discovery
  • Development
  • Code Review
  • Ongoing Support

A CMS fit for growth

Beachbody, armed with a big vision for their On Demand business, knew that to support future growth the platform needed an overhaul.

Already operating on WordPress, the Content Management System (CMS) as it stood was not prepared to meet the demands of new business goals. Help was needed with both strategic oversight and technical implementation.

After a comprehensive discovery process, Beachbody engaged XWP to help develop the new and improved platform. Our goals were to empower publishers, reduce time to publish, and optimize the editorial experience.

Showcase of Beachbody on Demand's Homepage

A powerful discovery process

An initial discovery process is one of the strongest factors in a project’s success. In the case of Beachbody, it paved the way for identifying the right solutions from the start. Beachbody brought us in early on to meet with their stakeholders onsite, including technical teams, design teams, and content teams. With this approach, we were better prepared to make recommendations and estimate time and costs prior to kicking off the redesign project.

Understanding the business goals for the platform equipped us to make architectural decisions early, letting our development team hit the ground running, and ultimately saving Beachbody money.

Jonathan Wold, Project Account Manager @XWP Alumni

Empowering publishers

Prior to this project, the content team struggled with getting new content previewed and pushed out quickly and accurately, burdened with multiple and poorly integrated systems for managing videos and images. Asset management was time consuming, required significant intervention from technical teams, and was prone to human error with the lack of intelligent automation.

We worked closely with both the publishers and technical teams to create graceful and efficient processes. For example, a member of the content team can now upload a single high resolution image via the WordPress admin to “21 Day Fix”, and have it automatically converted to its optimal size for all devices.

Key takeaways

  • Business goal focused
  • Cross-channel solution
  • Headless CMS
  • An optimized editorial workflow

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