We’re proud to announce the completion of our latest project: a full website redesign for Good Friday Appeal. Good Friday Appeal is a nonprofit charity organization that raises money throughout the year, culminating in a 15-hour telethon on Good Friday, for The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. The hospital provides world-class care for children, and we’re proud to play such a role in their rebranding and growth.
An Updated Look to Reflect an Updated Brand
This project was twofold. Our goals were to improve the site’s overall look and feel and make the site more maintainable and editable for the Good Friday team. As Australia’s WordPress experts, our team set to work refreshing the site, producing a custom design to meet their needs. This involved developing a custom WordPress theme and information architecture which helped define a clearer site structure.

Inside the theme, we created a large number of custom blocks that can be used and rearranged on any page or post. This gives the Good Friday Appeal team the tools they need to maintain a one-of-a-kind look and feel on their website. In addition to customised Gutenberg blocks, our team integrated a number of different forms from their site (built using the Gravity Forms plugin) and their endpoints.
Finally, to complete the site, we assisted in migrating existing content to the new site, both copy and images, and set up the Cloudinary plugin to deliver photos at the right crop and file size.
“I remember watching the Good Friday Appeal telethon as a kid and making pledges to support the Royal Children’s Hospital. Then as a father I was grateful for the amazing care that we received at that Hospital. Thanks to XWP’s long standing WordPress partnership with News Corp Australia, we were introduced to the Good Friday Appeal team. It was a very collaborative project and we are proud of the result. To play a part in supporting such a worthy cause, especially in the lead up to their 90th anniversary is truly an honour.”
Amit Sion, Chief Revenue Officer at XWP
We look forward to continuing our engagement with Good Friday Appeal, and helping further their mission of bringing world-class medical care to the Royal Children’s Hospital.