A rising tide lifts all boats.
Our company’s mission to work for an open web that is secure, performant, reliable, and accessible has been the driving force behind Tide, a tool that aims to lift code quality across the WordPress ecosystem.
During the 12 month journey Tide has been on, we’ve discovered that the vision behind it also aligns with the goals of WordPress. We saw the value and importance of Tide being part of WordPress itself where it can have a bigger impact and a greater chance of achieving its vision.
During the State of the Word presentation this past weekend Matt Mullenweg announced WordPress’ adoption of the Tide project.
This was a milestone moment for XWP and Tide, and a giant step closer to accomplishing what we set out to do; building a stronger open web.
Tide now belongs to the WordPress community and we are so grateful it will have the community to support it.
How you can contribute to Tide
A priority near-term for XWP is completing the transition to WordPress.org and ensuring that the project continues to build momentum with Derek Herman and Jeff Paul as leading contributors from our team. They welcome and encourage all community participation.
The project site for Tide is make.wordpress.org/tide. Visit and subscribe to the site to remain updated with progress and details on where to contribute. To get involved directly in conversations around Tide, join the #tide channel on the Make WordPress slack.
We would like to thank those who tried out Tide at WordCamp US. The public API will be back online no later than December 20th, paving the way for the integration with WordPress.org.
Thanks to Automattic, Google, and WP Engine who supported us throughout the journey. We are excited to see what the future holds for Tide in WordPress!
Tine Haugen,
Managing Director