More Than Just a Blog: The State of WordPress (2024)

A spaceship with the XWP logo hurtling through space

A lot has changed in the past 20 years. Some of the world’s biggest brands are now using WordPress instances with features unimaginable when WordPress was founded. So why do people still think that WordPress is ‘Just for blogs?’ We’re here to put that rumor to rest once and for all.

At a Glance: What is WordPress like in 2024? 

WordPress has grown into a web development powerhouse, supported by a dedicated enterprise agency layer, a plugin ecosystem unmatched by any other CMS, and a contribution community that includes everyone from freelancers to technology powerhouses (we’ve even been contributing to WordPress Core ourselves for 10+ years!). 

Today WordPress makes up over 65% of the total CMS market share. To put that into perspective, Wix, WordPress’s closest competitor in this regard, makes up only 3.8%

Over the past 5 years, WordPress has also defined new web standards that give more power than ever to non-technical users, building a powerful content creation experience with the Gutenberg editor, ensuring that updates to the Core Platform are always backward compatible, and improving technical performance with every update—improving platform quality while drastically reducing total cost of ownership.

WordPress: The Ultimate Customizable CMS Experience

WordPress’ exceptional customizability stands out as a key advantage for enterprises, offering a versatile platform that can be tailored to meet the unique needs and branding requirements of large-scale operations.

We like to think of creating your WordPress instance as being a little bit like building your own spaceship, fine-tuned with all the modular features, integrations, storytelling methods, and bespoke visual elements you need to meet your goals.

With WordPress’ impressive Core customization functionality, as well as its library of almost 60,000 plugins, enterprises can seamlessly create and modify their websites to align with specific industry standards, corporate aesthetics, and user experiences.

Moreover, WordPress’s high market share has made it the first port of call for third-party services that want to launch CMS integrations, meaning the likes of Hubspot, Google, Salesforce, Zephyr have all created WordPress-specific tools to integrate their features seamlessly.

Learn more in How Enterprise Tech Companies Invest in WordPress and Why

WordPress in 2024: The User Experience

Over the past 5 years, WordPress transformed its user experience, simplifying content creation and enabling non-technical users to craft engaging posts. This is down to the Gutenberg editor and, more recently, Full Site Editing, which have provided an intuitive interface for design creation, control, and cohesiveness.

But what if someone goes rogue, changing things all over the site? Isn’t it better if an experienced developer handles that sort of thing? 

WordPress emphasizes strong user permissions. Admins wield precise control over roles and access levels, ensuring security without hindering user contributions. This means that even those without technical backgrounds can confidently participate in website management.

In essence, WordPress in 2024 prioritizes an intuitive user experience that cuts through training time, robust permissions, and expanded accessibility, making it an ideal choice for enterprises seeking a versatile and user-friendly content management system.

How Do WordPress Updates Work?

WordPress updates operate seamlessly and cost-free, distinguishing it from some CMS counterparts. Unlike platforms that may incur additional expenses for updates, WordPress ensures users can keep their websites current without financial strain.

The platform is designed for straightforward updates with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for extensive developer involvement outside of checking plugin and theme compatibility. This accessibility ensures that users with varying technical expertise can keep their websites up-to-date without hassle.

Crucially, WordPress updates prioritize backward compatibility. This means that the latest improvements will never disrupt existing website functionality, or need to be changed foundationally to use the latest WordPress Update. This is not only cost-effective but also user-centric, emphasizing accessibility and compatibility.

How Does Tailored WordPress Hosting Work? 

While some might consider a website host just a place to park your website, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Finding a high-quality host is paramount when it comes to the performance and scalability of your site.

Luckily, there is a wealth of hosting solutions specifically tailored to meet the unique needs and requirements of high-traffic WordPress websites.

One of the key advantages of tailored hosting for WordPress is performance optimization. These hosting solutions are configured to maximize the speed and efficiency of WordPress websites, resulting in faster loading times and improved overall performance. This is crucial for user satisfaction and search engine rankings, as website speed is a critical factor in both user experience and SEO.

Tailored hosting options for WordPress often come with dedicated support teams that are well-versed in the intricacies of the platform. This specialized support can be invaluable for addressing any issues or challenges specific to WordPress hosting, ensuring that website owners have access to expertise that goes beyond generic advice.

Is WordPress Secure in 2024?

Over the years, there have been many arguments about the security of WordPress, and whether the Open Source solution leaves you vulnerable. So, is WordPress secure in 2024? 

In short, yes, WordPress is secure.

While no content management system is completely immune to hackers (nor any website, for that matter!), WordPress has a quality security apparatus in place for the Core software, and most security issues are a direct result of webmasters not following basic security best practices.

WordPress has a Core Security Team of “50 experts including lead developers and security researchers”. About half of these experts work at Automattic (WordPress’ Parent Company). Others are business owners and maintainers of cybersecurity programs, and the team also consults regularly with security researchers and hosting companies.

Working with a reputable agency or vendor also means that any security best practices outside of WordPress Core will always be kept front-of-mind for new developments. If you’re interested in what those best practices look like, you can learn more here.

Learn more about the Security team’s efforts in WordPress Security News on

How Does Open Source Impact Site Ownership?

From the beginning, WordPress has been an open-source technology. Developers around the world work together to create new functionality for everyone to use. We’ve even been contributing to WordPress Core ourselves for more than a decade.

From plugins to core updates and everything in between, there are thousands of developers from every corner of the globe that you can turn to to make your WordPress website yours. 

All of this adds up to a dream CMS for companies of all sizes and all industries. WordPress itself is a blank canvas, and a team of expert developers from an agency are the artists who can create the website your company needs to succeed.

But customization isn’t the only benefit. Your site is just that: Yours. With a CMS as user-friendly as WordPress, you’re no longer tied into a vendor-locked agreement where one company can completely own your site. Don’t like your hosting provider? Pick a new one. Want to make your workflow smoother? Go for it! Even if you want to scrap your entire website and start fresh, you can.

WordPress gives you the freedom to own your website and make it just that: Yours.

Ready to learn what WordPress can do for you? Schedule a no-obligation call