4 Tools to Energize Your Editorial Strategy

There’s no denying that publishing now lives online…and it’s there to stay. While certain powerhouses have cemented their places in the digital sphere, there’s nothing to stop up-and-comers from joining them at the top of the mountain. That is, nothing but a solid editorial strategy and technology behind the scenes. Often publishers can have a […]

XWP + Siteimprove – Enterprise Sites Can Do More with WordPress

On May 10, XWP and our partner Siteimprove held a webinar for a number of enterprise clients explaining how building their website with WordPress could create a rich, user-centric experience and improve performance.  Gabriel Ponzanelli, Vice President Asia Pacific and Japan, Siteimprove, invited Amit Sion, CRO, XWP, and Leo Postovoit, Head of Partnerships and Product […]

A satellite orbiting an XWP planet
The Role Performance Plays in User Experience

At XWP, we’re known for building highly performant websites and applications. More than just a concern of our engineers, however, a focus on performance runs through how our work is defined, designed, and delivered. In this post, I’ll share three ways that performance shapes XWP’s user experience (UX) design practice. 1. Performance as Measured by […]

The Role Performance Plays in User Experience Cathi Bosco