The Internet is constantly changing. Whether it’s new technologies being created, or old ones going by the wayside, these changes affect us all. One change that we almost never expect to see is in our CMS. Whether your CMS becomes too expensive to operate on, shuts down, or just stops providing the same level of […]
Website Strategy
An interview with Cathi Bosco, XWP UX Architect User Experience (UX) is something we have come to embed within all of our projects. Cathi is one of our resident UX Architects and with a decade of experience has proven invaluable to the way we execute on the interaction between users and the things we build. […]
Search engines are in the business of helping people find the things they’re looking for. However, with over 1.6 billion websites, chances are there are multiple very valid options the search engines can present to the searcher. And no one looks at page 2 of the search results. This is where ranking comes in. Search […]
The AMP HTML framework continues to gain attention and the v1.0 release of the official WordPress plugin has made it even easier to implement AMP on WordPress. Even though the plugin provides the ability to just flick the switch, AMP implementation should be carefully planned for. For projects that we work on, there are a […]
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforceable May 25th 2018! The implications for businesses that operate in Europe and collect user data are significant and are certainly not something to be taken lightly. “Great, another confusing legal acronym.” – Hopefully not you about GDPR For the uninitiated, the GDPR is designed to harmonize […]
Understanding how a headless content management system (CMS) works and the value it provides content producing teams can be a bit of a research journey, but one that can have big payoffs for the right companies. There are many opinions, ideas and buzzwords around content management and headless CMS and unpacking them into valuable takeaways […]
Are you preparing to migrate to WordPress? We’ve spent the last ten years helping big media and publishing companies make the move to WordPress and along the way we’ve learned a number of important lessons. While your migration will be unique, we’ve found that there are solid principles that apply. Fresh off of helping News […]